
Mart, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Technological Teaching Models (SAMR AND T-PACK)

SAMR and T-PACK are two beneficial teaching models which you'll understand easily after looking at mindmaps that I have created.


 Hi, today I've prepared a Mindmap about Learning Theories. Mindmaps are visualized summaries of subjects. For example, in your lessons, instead of taking very very long notes you can use mindmaps. Catching the key points from your lessons and creating a mindmap like I did would help you a lot. I'm going to show you my mindmap in order for you to get a better understanding. And I want to recommend some online sites which help you to create mindmaps easily. Some of them are: Mindmeister Mindly, X Mind, Lucid Chart If you need further help about mindmaps and these websites please feel free to ask me! And here is my mindmap about Learning Theories;


 Padlet is an online platform on which you can work collaboratively with your colleagues, students or whoever you want!   On Padlet, you can create bulletin boards about the subject you want to work on. These bulletin boards can include a topic, a keyword, a question etc. After creating a bulletin board which is customized according to your liking (you can use different colors and visuals etc.), you can share the link of your Padlet to whom you want to work with. When they get the link they will also be able to create and organize bulletin boards next to your bulletin boards or comment under them and thus you will be able to see what everyone has written on real-time.  In order for you to get a better understanding about this platform, I have created a simple Padlet.  Here is the link of my Padlet.   https://padlet.com/zehrakara1/zc4xnou53jgivagv As you can see, you are able to add comments under my bulletin boards. When you add comments, I'll be seeing them instantly, we will be a