

Powtoon is an  online platform for creating short video presentations . Powtoon gives anyone the ability to create professional   videos and presentations. You can select from royalty-free libraries of animation, live-action   v ideo, images, designed backgrounds, soundtracks, and moving graphics , or you can use your  own visual content and voiceover. It's like an graphically improved version of powerpoint. Students can create quality animated video presentations to  showcase their understanding  of a specific topic. Teachers can also create their own Powtoons as an  alternative approach  to teaching topics. Here is a tutorial for Powtoon.  Powtoon Tutorial


 Thinglink is a web 2.0 tool which helps you to add questions, links, texts, etc. on top of your pictures. But do not imagine it as a plain and simple application like that. The app is very improved about simple graphic designs. It also helps you to create 360 C. videos, online showrooms, galleries, infographic, maps, floor plan, presentation, vr experience, cv, timelines and 3D models.  All these features are very useful in teaching. Especially it is easier and more attractive to students. For example, as you see in this pic, there are location symbols and when you press each of them a different section opens. Imagine using this with your students. The visuals will be absolutely perminent and students will be more interested in your lesson.  When you log in Thinglink with your Google account, it also connects you to Google Classroom and you can transfer your students easily to Thinglink without any error. Also there are 10 modules that help you with the use of application.  Here is on


 Flipgrid is an app or website which you can use in order to communicate. How? Simply it's a platform on which teachers and students can communicate through videos. Students can upload their progresses under the topic that their teacher created. These videos can be seen by other students and the teacher as soon as it is uploaded. Therefore, everyone can give feedbacks or get help by these videos. Instead of texting which takes a lot of time and can cause misunderstandings, filming a video is way more practical and efficient. Here is a tutorial if you want to check!  Flipgrid Tutorial

My Thoughts About Telecollaboration

 Hello everyone, today I want to talk about an event that I have participated recently which is telecollaboration. Okay, what did we do and how did it go? I'll tell you one by one. This event was between Istanbul Unıversity Cerrahpasa ELT students and Malaga University & Compultense University students from Spain. We created groups with Spanish students and met via zoom. My partners were from Compultense University. In our first meeting we introduced ourselves one by one with presentations we had created before our meeting. I was very very nervous at first, I couldn't prepare enough because I went to my hometown that day and stuff. But my partners were very good. In our second meeting they talked about their education system etc. and we did brainstorming about the story we were supposed to write together. In our third meeting we told them a traditional Turkish story and they told us a traditional Spanish story and we talked about those a lot. They found our story very inter


 Seesaw is a platform on which you can create, design and customize portfolios. Using Seesaw, you can add photos, videos, links, etc. to your portfolio and enrich it. Another function of Seesaw is that it allows you to create a classroom by importing it from Google Classroom. This class can be used very interactively. When teachers post something students will see it on time and will be able to comment and ask their questions. They can add drawings, pictures, videos etc. to their classes and portfolios. Also parents can observe their children's progress and current state.


  Hi! I want to tell you about Jamboard. Jamboard which is provided by Google, is an online whiteboard on which you and your students can write and draw freely. Background colors, patterns; pencil and post-it colors can be customized according to your taste. This whiteboard is very useful and practical since it's an online platform which allows every student to participate at the same time. And the teacher is able to observe each student and able to see everything they write or draw and give feedback to them simultaneously. Jamboard is very effective and practical for online classes. Also the Jamboards you have created can be saved and can be used later when needed!


 Hi everyone, this time I want to tell you about Edmodo. Edmodo is like an online classroom on which teachers can share homeworks, exercises, announcements etc. Also students can upload their works here and have conversations with their teachers when they need help or have questions to ask. Thanks to Edmodo communication between teachers and students are way easier than before. Let's take a look at my classroom which I have created on Edmodo for you to get a better understanding. Please  google "Edmodo" , sign up with one of your e-mail accounts and join my classroom via this code " vsi4f8"  . Don't worry this website is completely free! Whenever I upload or share something, you'll see them on our class and will be actively participating. If you need further help please feel free to ask me anything! Have a great day.